
How do I get here? Reports Menu

Reports in TBS are supported by a powerful and flexible reporting engine that allows each report to be customized according to client specifications.

The TBS System is built with a standard set of Reports within the areas of Accounting, Billing, Customers, Orders, Tickets, etc. Additional reports can be defined and built without a code release by working with your Account Advisor.

Practically any data in the system can be included inside a Report.

Additionally, the system provides standard Financial Reports for Transactions and Accounts Receivable available from the Reports menu.


Each Report is assigned a security module. If a user has access to this security module (see User Security), they will automatically see the Report Group and Report option in their Reports Menu.

For the Financial Reports, users must have Accounting.Access

Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions N/A

Report Grid Features

--Grouping - a user can drag a column up to the header and group by that column.  Note:  Money fields can be setup as currency that will also provide a Sum amount for each group.  Please also note that if a column name has a space in the title, it cannot be used for grouping.  An easy fix would be to remove the space in the column title.

--Sorting - a user can click on a column name to sort ascending, descending, or cancel a sort.

--Exporting - a user has a variety of export options available for extracting data results.  See Exporting below

--Filtering - a user can enter a filter expression at the top of the column grid and filter down the data that is displayed.  To enable a filter, type the filter text into the column filter textbox, then click the filter icon to select the filter application (i.e., “Greater than”, “Equal to”, etc.).  The grid will automatically update. 

--Paging - reports that return more than 20 records will have paging ability at the top and bottom of the report grid.  Additional paging features include a "Go To" exact page and the ability to update the number of records returned per page. 

--Selection across Pages - records can now be selected across multiple pages within the returned result set.  Selected records will be saved for exporting or applying FixSQL to only selected records

--Select All Page Records / Select All Grid Records - reports that have paging enabled will support both a page level "select all" via a checkbox in the header row of the grid.  In addition, options will be available to select all returned grid rows (max 1000). 

All Grid Features will remain intact even when new Parameter filters are applied.  To clear all parameters and filters, please click the report link at the top of the page to start over. 

Exporting Data Results

Exporting results come in a variety of ways:

--Current Page (Word, Excel, Excel Html, PDF, CSV) – this will only export the results shown on the current grid page.

--Entire Grid (Word, Excel, Excel Html, PDF, CSV) – this will export all results returned in the entire grid.  Note:  The maximum number of records exported with this feature is 1000.

--Selected Records (Word, Excel, Excel Html, PDF, CSV) - this will export all records that have been selected throughout the entire grid.

--Full Result Set - uses the TBS backend service, and only supports CSV – this option will only be available if more than 1000 records matched the report results.  This file type, for most users, should automatically open in Excel.

Note:  The Excel export option will export all data into a spreadsheet with no formatting, however the general grouping and sorting will remain intact.  Any sum totals however will not be exported.  To keep the group sum totals, be sure to use the ExcelHTML option.

Report Security & Search Criteria

Please note that all results are filtered based on user access and User Search Criteria

Report Maintenance

For users that maintain and add new Flex reports, TBS supports adding Flex Reports for databases other than just TBS.  A "Control Database" admin tool is available to designate which database Flex Reports are being maintained.  Please be sure to contact PTT regarding this feature prior to use.

In addition, given this feature, when viewing any of the Flex Report Admin screens (reports, parameters, groups, etc.), a message will be displayed at the top of each screen informing the user of the Control Database that is being updated.

PTT assistance is required to have additional databases be made available. 

See Flex Report Management Tool for instructions on how to create Flex Reports.

Flex Report Usage

To access the Flex reports select Reports >> Flex Reports (New) from the Main Menu.

  • Select a group from the Report Group drop-down list

  • Select a report from the Report Title drop-down list

The Edit Report button navigates users with Admin rights on the Maintenance module to the Flex Reports Admin Tool for this report.

Select the parameters

  • Hover over date fields to view keyboard shortcuts
  • Click on the calendar icon to select a date from the calendar

Parameters with a red flag are required

Select the Show Executed SQL checkbox to display the SQL query that generated the report (For Super Users only)

Click the Run Report button

To sort the records in the grid on a specific column, click the column heading

(This only applies to the 1000 or less rows in the grid. If there are more than 1000 total rows available from the report, the records must be exported via the Export All Records button to sort the entire set.)

Click the Export Displayed Records button to export the records on the current page to a spreadsheet

  • Specific records on the current page may be selected to export by clicking the checkbox to the left of each record
  • The checkbox to the left of the grid heading selects/deselects all records on the current page

Because the number of records returned to the screen is limited to 1000, the entire set of records may only be viewed by exporting the data to a spreadsheet.

Click the Export All Records button to export the report to a spreadsheet